week 1
I thought this assignment was really fun and because we had to work quick I think I made some interresting decisions without thinking about it to mutch. Thats one of my bad habits, "thinking to mutch, and not getting started."
I think this class really helped me to see things differently. In the slide shows below you can see my process of the past 6 weeks.
The first week we had to "filter" an image we found on the internet. I choose this one because I'm intrigued by absurd images and traditions.
In my first version I 'blurred' the picture, in my second an third attempt I playd with the colours to make it more bizar. I think it turned out quite nice.
For the 10 prints assignment I choose a picture I made a while ago at the big art exhibition.
for this assignment again I did not really think to long about it before I started, and there I went... Some pictures came out really cool, others are not that interesting. But thats part of experimenting I guess...
I especially like the one with the black union net pattern.
week 2
week 3
This week I tried to paint over some news images, I had a really hard time doing It though. Maybe because this time I had to think.
Every decision I wanted to make had a direct consequent to the meaning of the picture.They where so meaningfull already... Most of the plans I had turned out te be disrespectful if I put them over the news images. Maybe I picked images a little to heaby to paint over.
Even after thinking about it for a while I still don't like the decisions I eventually made, because In a way they are fucked up. That why I stopped at picture three, after painting the black girl as a waitress without realising it... I just could not.
Eventually I picked a few pictures from the newspaper, it was way more easy and fun to do.
week 4
For the 'medley' I tried to get as much of the previous assignments in 1 picture,(without being offensive).
And I think it worked. The dress makes that it looks like the girl is doing great after all she has been through, and this dress is telling the story of her (new) life. although it's not of course. I tried to create contrast in colour, in meaning, in style and more but I'm lost in translation and google wont help me find the words.
I like the end result but I think I could go bigger and crazier next time.
week 5
I think this was one of my favourites this blok. Unfortunately my laptop could not take it that well, and the system crashed a few times. Apart from that I think I will keep experimenting with Spark, it would be really nice to explore all the possibilities. I really like al the surprises and weird stuff that came out of working in spark, especially the devil one. I think its really cool how I half-accidentally and half-on purpose created this booming art-piece of an instagram filter.
week 5
Actually that pretty much sums up what I leaned this past few weeks, like I said before: "don't torture yourself with over thinking before you start, just go with the flow, accidents will happen, sometimes they are happy, sometimes they are not. You just have to keep going and just like that you're happy with most of the results! I will take that lesson to the last blok and hopefully I 100% dare to make big decisions. And even greater work will come from that mindset. These weeks I noticed that I'm making progress in not holding myself back but i'm still a little shy. I could go way more extreme, thats what I want, that's what I like, and that is what I'm going to do.